

Nearly every week our leaders at BASIS Independent 学校s field requests from families across the country to build a school near them. 很多家庭都很重视给孩子一个创新的机会, 全面的教育——支持快速学习的教育, 独立思考, 创造力, 从第一天起就要进行批判性的探究. The first BASIS Independent 学校s opened their doors in Brooklyn and Silicon Valley during the fall of 2014. Now our private school program is well established as offering the highest international level of learning after 大四毕业班 在加州、纽约市和华盛顿特区.C. 地铁校园.


“It is critical that we have a continuity of excellence at BASIS Independent 学校s,托比·沃克说, BASIS独立学校副总裁. “我们对自己要求很高, and that we learn from each other as school leaders and teachers across our network. 对我们节目的需求是令人羞愧的, 我们致力于将其提供给学生和家庭.”


独立贝尔维尤 位于贝尔维尤市中心和萨玛米什湖之间. 独立贝尔维尤 will open in fall 2022 with Grades 2 through 7 to st艺术 and add a grade level each school year as we expand to a full middle and high school (Grades 5 through 12). 我们现在接受2022年秋季三年级到七年级的申请.

Rendering of the Bellevue campus currently under construction and slated for fall 2022 opening.

“我们的信念是,课堂上最好的技术是老师,学校的创始校长Elizabeth Thies说. 在我们的节目中, 教室里最重要的因素不一定是班级规模, 但是老师. 从亚洲体育博彩平台开始一直到高中, 学生将有一个学科专家教师为每个学科. That means that our students can have six to eight different teachers each school day and depending on their grade level. We have found that when students have a dedicated Subject Expert Teacher for each discipline, 学习机会是无限的.”

这是我们在贝尔维尤开业的第一年, 学生将参与包括科学实验室在内的各种教室, 艺术, 还有音乐室, 餐厅, 和体育馆. Our campus will be shared with the Jewish Day 学校 of Bellevue (JDS) for the first several years of our operation. 在那之后, JDS will relocate to a different campus and 独立贝尔维尤 will be the sole operator on the property.

BASIS Independent Brooklyn 低年级校园 Arrives in Downtown Brooklyn

In response to the growing demand for our program in Brooklyn, a new, second 下校区 opened at City Point in Downtown Brooklyn educating students in the earliest years (PreK through Grade 2). 我们的创始班学生, 教师, and staff st艺术ed classes at 405 Gold Street in the new City Point complex in Downtown Brooklyn in fall 2021.

校长Shari D. 卡梅隆 Cuts the Ribbon to Open the 低年级校园 in Downtown Brooklyn

“作为BASIS独立布鲁克林亚洲体育博彩平台的校长, I am focused on cultivating a community where content mastery and compassion for humanity pretty much collide,学校校长莎莉. 卡梅隆. “I want the Lower 学校 to be a place where students can really relish in the sheer joy and the uncompromised rigor of our curriculum but simultaneously come to school each and every day being 100% who they are. 我想让他们意识到,无论他们是谁, 不管他们的家人是谁, 他们在这个地方,我们都被庆祝,我们都被重视. 我真的想为我们的低年级社区培养这种精神.”


BASIS Independent Manhattan opened its doors in 2017 and four years later our growth continues with the expansion to an 高中校园 为6年级到12年级的学生准备的. 新校区的校长是布兰登·麦克尼斯, who has brought his incredible passion and drive to the new Upper 学校 Campus 在切尔西.

Head of 学校 Brandon McNeice officially opens the Upper 学校 Campus with BASIS Independent 学校s and Spring Education Executives

“总的来说,我对生活的转变很着迷,”他说. McNeice. "在我们现代, 美国的经验, the beginning of middle school coincides with all the awkwardness of adolescence during a period of immense potential for growth. 我喜欢和中学生一起工作, supporting them in their development that follows a steep yet rewarding trajectory of academic and social-emotional growth.”

“从那里, high school students are on the precipice of adulthood and our primary purpose is to help prepare them for that transition,”先生继续说。. McNeice.  “在我正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台的早期, I worked in college residences as a mentor to freshmen and became very familiar with typical problems that prevent high school students from smoothly transitioning to living on their own. It was actually shortly after that while working in the college’s admissions dep艺术ment that I first came into contact with BASIS Curriculum 学校s when I was blown away by the transcript of a BASIS applicant.”

You can hear directly from students and 教师 about how much they enjoy the new Chelsea campus in a 简短的视频.

BASIS Independent Silicon Valley Set to Open 低年级校园 Fall 2022

BASIS独立硅谷也在扩张,增加了一个 低年级校园. Two campuses will allow families to enroll students in the earliest school years and continue on through High 学校. The dedicated new Lower 学校 will offer TK through Grade 5 while the Upper 学校 in San Jose will focus on Grades 6 through 12.

Rendering of a classroom at our new 独立的硅谷低年级学校

After serving as a member of the founding 教师 of BASIS Independent Silicon Valley 高中校园, 布鲁克林·提图斯被任命为新低年级的校长. 自2014年加入BASIS Independent 学校s以来, 我已经对BASIS课程产生了强烈的欣赏, 我们学校吸引的充满活力的员工, 还有我们每天一起工作的优秀学生. I am thrilled to once again be a p艺术 of the opening of a new school in the BASIS Independent 学校s network,提多说.

BASIS Independent 学校s educate students to the highest international levels with a spiraling liberal 艺术s and sciences curriculum benchmarked to the best education systems in the world. 我们的高级课程, 在广度和深度上是无与伦比的, 培养学生成为跨学科的创新领导者. BASIS Independent 学校s currently offers private school campuses in Northern California, 纽约, 北弗吉尼亚, 和华盛顿州,是基础课程学校的一部分, which also include BASIS International and Bilingual 学校s in China and Thailand. You can learn more about the BASIS Independent private network of schools at www.basisindependent.com.

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